English as an Additional Language (EAL)
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Our overseas pupils are an important part of our school community, and we provide all the additional support and comfort they need to ensure they feel confident, included, and at home.
Our focus is on ensuring all pupils can access our curriculum and enjoy the full range of experiences and opportunities on offer at Maidwell Hall. As valued members of our community, we work closely with the parents and guardians of our overseas pupils to ensure their educational experience is happy, rewarding and enriching.
Support for pupils who have English as their second language is guided by our Head of EAL. Pupils are given dedicated one-to-one sessions every week, as part of a tailored programme of support for each individual.
Pupils may be given additional supported sessions, according to their needs. In most cases, our overseas pupils will not study Latin or Greek, and may instead have additional English Language support, as required.